Orientation — Reaching Independence through Support and Education
Welcome to RISE
Reaching Independence through Support and Education (RISE) is a program to help individuals overcome the challenges that have kept them living paycheck to paycheck. RISE empowers individuals to thrive and sustain long-term success by emerging from those circumstances. It is recommended that RISE members commit to a minimum of 24 months of classes, coaching, and growth to truly reach and sustain self-sufficiency. Personal development classes meet weekly and focus on 16 Self-Sufficiency Assets of a thriving lifestyle:
1. Affordable Housing 9. Physical Health
2. Transportation 10. Mental Health
3. Employment/Career Development 11. Psychosocial & Environmental Stressors
4. Education/Academic Attainment 12. Parenting Skills
5. Legal Resolution 13. Quality Childcare
6. Health Insurance 14. Financial Empowerment (Budget, Income, EITC)
7. Support System 15. Food Security
8. Home Safety 16. Community Involvement
Objectives of RISE
● Personal Development tools that guide you to improved financial health and empowerment.
● Education to develop effective communication.
● A focus on healthy personal and professional relationships.
● A community committed to your goals and action steps toward self-sufficiency.
● Healthy Homes curriculum.
● Confidentiality from committed staff and volunteers. Safe opportunities to share your story.
● Education that will create long-term thinking and practices to help you create a path to prosperity.
This is a holistic program that is about more than adding a zero to your paycheck. This is about a complete look at your life while learning the skills to fill in the gaps. We can all improve on our communication, parenting, and management of our lives. This program is not a quick fix. It takes time and sustained effort to make these long-term, meaningful changes.
Introduction Activity
1. Please select two colors of Jolly Ranchers.
2. Answer the following questions:
a. What is your name?
b. Why are you joining this program?
c. Red: Share something that makes you feel important.
d. Blue: Share one of your talents.
e. Pink: Share something that makes you happy.
f. Green: Share something that you are passionate about.
g. Purple: Share something you want to learn.
3. Keep the answer positive. Help each other find answers if someone is struggling. The people with you today are your new community. Listen to each other’s answers and learn how you can support each other to thrive as a team.
How to Reach Self-Sufficiency
You are the key to your success. You can increase your income through education, career development, and better employment. You can also improve your financial situation by spending less. RISE provides you with the necessary tools to reach your financial goals. RISE also challenges you to expand your
belief in yourself and your ability to reach your goals (self-efficacy). However, the program is only as successful as the amount of work you are willing to commit to improving your education and employment. Here are some tips for success:
● Attend weekly classes. Be accountable to your future.
● Create your vision and plan.
● Use the tools provided and practice the lessons each week.
● Read/watch the suggested supplemental material during the week and complete your weekly
● Be aware of your income and expenses and learn to spend less than you earn.
● Increase your earnings capacity through education, training, and improving soft skills.
● Save for your future. Change your thinking and habits toward long-term planning.
● Create a community of positive people who help you move toward your goals.
● Improve your relationships and set boundaries with those who may keep you from reaching your
goals and self-sufficiency.
● Change your thinking. Build self-confidence, improve self-efficacy, and reach your goals.
Small Group Discussion: When you review these tips, which two or three do you think are the most
important to your success? Which two to three will you need to focus on to prevent failure?
Communication and Trust in Weekly Meetings
Meetings are most effective when the group has shared values and clear expectations of each member. It is also important to have ground rules that help build a safe meeting environment.
Recommended Ground Rules
● Show up on time.
● Be engaging and constructive. Discuss differences with respect and provide constructive feedback.
● Hold each other accountable. Discuss individual and group expectations.
● Be inclusive. Encourage everyone in the group to contribute.
● Build relationships with fellow members by listening to their backgrounds, experiences, and
personal motivations.
● Create a culture of honesty and integrity. Discuss the dynamics that are felt in the room.
● Respect confidentiality.
● Be sensitive toward others. Not everyone has had the same experiences.
● _______________________________________________________________________________
● _______________________________________________________________________________
● _______________________________________________________________________________
Facilitation: The facilitator may interrupt conversations that are not staying on topic. This is to help respect everyone’s time by keeping the meetings to the agreed upon time limit. Some conversations may provide deep insight into an issue that should be explored at a later time. These topics can be jotted
down for another meeting time. Often these topics may be a common ground among a few members. It is encouraged to share contact information and use these opportunities to create new bonds and expand your social support.
Confidentiality: Respect for each other and the stories shared is important for this program to be successful. You are expected to hold all confidential information in trust and strict confidence. You should only use information shared within the group if all personal information is removed. Everyone
should rest assured that the material shared stays within the group. Often the stories you share are powerful and can help others in the community understand your struggles. You may be asked for permission to share your story on social media to help promote programming. However, nothing will be
shared without your approval. Note: Should anyone share information about harm to another, harm to oneself, or violation of a court order, staff are required to report to the appropriate authority.
Group Discussion: Discuss the ground rules and create additional rules that you feel will help create a trusting and healthy environment.
Thank you for believing in yourself and trusting the staff and volunteers of RISE. The goals of this program are focused on empowering you to move toward financial stability and self-sufficiency. You can improve your financial health through education, career development, and employment. You can
also begin to improve your budget by creating awareness and temporarily eliminating non-essential expenses. Through the next few months, you will learn to increase your resources, improve your relationships, and gain new tools to thrive. Members who succeed with RISE are committed to the goals
they create. They are accountable to attending weekly classes, taking action steps, and challenging each other to complete their goals.
Begin today by identifying one step you can take this week.
Weekly Plan
Each week you will complete a weekly plan. This plan may include 1) an action step to overcome a barrier; 2) research to better understand the next steps to take; 3) a personal challenge to overcome a fear, or; 4) a step to improve your employment, education, skills, or finances.
For next week’s financial discussion: determine all sources of income — paycheck, SSI, food assistance,
any other regular support from friends or family. Joining this program is a great first step toward
self-sufficiency. Take a minute to think about one barrier that you continue to face on a regular basis
(gaining a professional skill, returning to college, facing your finances, paying off debt, etc.). Now
determine one step you can take this week to overcome that barrier, like researching education options,
completing the FAFSA, talking to your employer, or downloading a financial app to track your
If you do not have a copy of your budget and assets from your intake paperwork, use the copy in Week
4: Financial Empowerment or the copy located in the Index of the workbook.
Your weekly action step: _______________________________________________________________
Notes: Each week your workbook includes a notes section for you to write down ideas and list steps
you can take to improve your self-sufficiency scores.