1126 N. Broadway Ave., Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 200-2223

Engage. Support. Transform.


Our programs aim to increase a family’s household income, social capital, and community engagement while decreasing isolation.


Change doesn’t happen overnight. The transformation in personal lives can be seen in the dramatic transformation of the community as a whole.


It’s hard to go it alone. The Drew Lewis Foundation fosters support through the community by encouraging members to build their own social capital.


Our programs have proven successful with the community’s ever-increasing resilience.

Over the years, we have distilled our knowledge and experience so that we may share it with our community. We offer our hands-on guidance as you begin the transformative change in your community.

Our Achievements

Our goal is to transform lives from surviving to thriving. This is best achieved through a holistic approach.


Implementing innovative strategies to help families reach stability and achieve their goals.


Revitalizing neighborhoods one home at a time. This program is exclusively for RISE members.


Provides education and remediation to support a healthy home environment.


A gathering of resources for an underserved population, a one-stop shop.

Meet Our Members

Don’t take our word for it — here’s what our members say:

Being part of this organization has given me true HOPE in spite of the daily ups and downs that come my way. I want my community to know that the most important thing is that I have gone from SURVIVING to THRIVING.


RISE member

Being involved in this program helped me to just focus on what I have inside of me and to bring it out, and to use it in my life and apply it to my family. 
The Northwest Project [now called RISE] means community, family, and
they have my back.


RISE member/facilitator

It has helped me to create a budget and set goals to both cut spending and start a savings account. This and other financial training has helped me become more accountable with my finances as well as the Drew Lewis Foundation team keeping me that way.

RISE member

Latest News

Keep up-to-date with the Drew Lewis Foundation.

Volunteerism: Doing Your Part

Having an altruistic mindset is a strong asset for people who want to create strong communities. However, the desire to[…]

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Teaching The Next Generation the Fundamentals of Success

We talk a lot in our society about how we should always increase the well-being of the next generation and[…]

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Building Better Communities

Having a roof over your head and a place to call home has been part of human history since time[…]

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